statement number column 叙述号码行
optional numeric statement number 任选数字叙述号码
internal statement number 内部叙述编号
macro statement number 宏叙述号码
macro prototype statement number 宏原型叙述号码
current statement number 当前行语句号
statement sequence number 叙述顺序号码
Inputting the characters through keyboard or other equipments and obtaining the internal statement number.
Let's add a WHERE clause to that SELECT statement by invoking the EDIT command and specifying statement number 2 in the sequence.
The statement added that although there were a number of differing views, these would be discussed by both sides.
"And that has been confirmed by people on the ground." Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch Brown quickly retracted his statement, saying he agreed with the prime minister that the number of helicopters was sufficient for the current operation.
VOA: standard.2009.07.22
Even though my statement said enter a number, in particular, raw input here simply takes in a set of characters and treats it as a string.
This is about the stock market, but I asked a number of this I've been doing since 1996 do you agree with the following statement?